I have seen how mangos are used to produce ecological leather. I hope that those waste mangos are grown ecologically.

Mangos are indeed utilized to produce ecological leather, and the process often involves using waste from the fruit. To ensure the ecological integrity of the product, it’s crucial for the mango cultivation process to adhere to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. This includes considerations such as organic farming methods, efficient water usage, and responsible waste management. By prioritizing these measures, the production of mango-based ecological leather can contribute positively to sustainability efforts.

Unbearable voices at night, behind their fence; hidden, behind their fence. Peace and quietness where are you?. Morning time. A photo done.

In a hurry to leave, in a hurry to rest, in a hurry to dream. Walking along, walking for long, stretching and unbearable voices from windows.

Tinnitus in my room and tinnitus in library. 8:31am, opening time at 8:30am, the door was open, just enough to go by, unbearable voices behind.

Creating my paid ecological employment, creating my life. Paid employment: Contract in writing, salary >1200 per month.