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María Pilar Díez Calderón

Library time. It is full of people and it is not allowed to be logged in. Wifi is faulty.

Morning walks are nice. Fresh and quiet.

Photos and writing. Writing for a while,

I have started to earn from my work. Always I earn from my work.

Beautiful mornings. Beautiful morning time. Freshness and quietness. Water everywhere in a park. I walk crossing their atmosphere and stopping at times to stretch my body and arms. Have you heard about killing noises? I did not think of them months ago. Do you even think of bad people could use them?

Got up, keep on breathing, keep on exercises, keep on yoga, endure enjoying life. A lizard, a tiny lizard, sliding on the floor and, its colour blending in with the floor dust. And I have keys.

The laundry toxics everywhere.

Library is starting to fill their seats and tables. 9:44am.

Done, when a task, when an event gets done after persisting and persisting after a while and persisting. Done. It is an ease.

Meditation. Meditation. Meditation. Years and years and years until we learn, and we learn and we forget, and we live for the moment.

My pair of socks are practical and a pleasure to wear, are they ecological? Its hanger yes, at least it was cardboard made instead of plastic. That is a huge improvement to value Earth.


María Pilar Díez Calderón

A 7-day course, pshyco-corporal, movement is therapy, movement is freedom, movement is life. Movement. The 5th session today.

The unbearable noises, I wrote about it, I want them to stop. And that horrible smell to cooked dead animal, stop it, someone should stop it.

From library.

I opened my hand to receive notes and it has been slapped it.

Breakfast, chestnut milk with hot water, crispy cereals, pears, kefir. Almonds, coconut chips, date banana and a sojamatic, to have a drink beforehand. Corn lettuce, arugula, watercress, carrot leaves, fennel leaves, spinachs, parsley, any green leaves, leek, garlic, ground turmeric, ground black pepper, avocado, flax oil, water and a vitamix. To me the plant-based food, as a sweet ham, or no-tuna, are delicious because their no animal taste or smell. Although I want them organic and soya free. And bread, today I have learnt to do it from quinoa and chia seeds.

By María Pilar Díez Calderón.

Wanted: People who based its health on nourishment with filtered water, organic, vegan, gluten-free food, taking into account allergies.

Working on media, making story, so fun involved, so enjoyable. 

Night and day, night and day. Tinnitus. Voices. 

So much beauty, beauty in this life. 

14 September, 2022.

By Maria Pilar

Walking from home to library, using its wifi. Communication, web, web what are you doing? web, profiles, my profile. Listening to podcasts. There are parks in this town, there are drinkable water fountains in this town. There are ornamental fountains. A quiet walk. When I have stopped to post at a platform, plash, a man behind me.

That fountain has been switched on and off, on again. People talking each other nearby.

Early than expected.

It gave me all light, switching off later on.

Legs, being sitting down on a chair is unnatural, working less because of numbed legs after being 2 hours sitting down on a chair. Libraries offering standing up working sites. Yes.

By Maria Pilar

August 26, 2022.

By Maria Pilar

Just so tiny.

“Thank you for accepting it”. “Don´t shout at me”. The volume of my voice to be considered. Yes.

In the way, I have practised stretching my back. This time touching the ground with my fingers, my back in an arch, helped by the metallic arch already installed in the playground.

A little tiny blue piece of colour between all that green one, I noticed it from far.

Spiritual. Is a person who meditate, considered a spiritual one?. Searching for spiritual people. Yes.


July 27, 2022.

After a day away from my Mac, I am desperate to listen to my podcasts, to my friends, to my contacts. My sights: Lovely children in playing ground, bus station lift.

Keeping on, sights. Keeping on, eyes. Keeping on, ecology. Keeping on, holidays. Keeping on, banks. Keeping on, giving. Keeping on, receiving. Keeping on, swimming-pool.

By Maria Pilar.

July 22, 2022.

Listening to podcasts, reading blogs about photography, working on my curriculum vitae, working on my curriculum vitae of my desire job, of my desire of working life.

Before heading for one of the locals library, my working place as I use its wifi service, I thought, I thought of a person who everything he does is perfect, is the perfection, perfect posts, perfect life, perfect author, perfect works of art.

And perfection takes a long time to set up for me. My spiritual book, copying takes so long, the leaves, the engraving, exactly as original, personal writing, technological writing. Perfection. It is the final, the end of my book.

Everything, anything is perfect as it is.

I left my place just after 8:00am, walking is a nice activity in a morning of this summer, in the morning of this climate changing summer. Parks have been watered and feeling the water freshness in my head is perfection.

by Maria Pilar

June 10, 2022.

Today’s learnings in my walk from house to library. People on Friday, is smelly, wearing toxic perfums. Man drivers sit down on their cars. Girls go to the recycling bins.

At least the 2 fountains in my way work, flowing water.

Eating too many cashews makes me too filled. After my lunch: Cream of walnuts, sunflower seeds and pears; boiled vegetables in vegetable stock; tofu with thyme, garlic and olive oil.

The sky shows a crispy blue background wrapping around its torn clouds.

Maria Pilar

The orange umbrella is faulty. I have been cheated.

Do you know that these hot days, and cloudy times are due to the spacial advancement rubbish around the Earth?

Maria Pilar

28 April, 2022.

In the town where I was born. It is morning time, the street market is Thursday. It has been raining. I have taken photos. Yesterday I wrote about the story of an organic olive oil bottle broken with all olive oil on the floor, the olive oil bottle was on the floor already. And the packet of crackers was falling down, I wanted it to stop. Outcome: the bottle was torn.

What does it make me write? I want to write. I am listening to and watching videos.

It is Monday.

“Are you in this queue? There are 2 queues. I am going to ask”

“It is laughable.” “Just right, in the border”

Laughing at it.

“It is unknown from here or …” Dissabilities.

I love when someone who is pretty like that nice girl smiles. It is so beautiful when finding a laughing face.

“I do not laugh at you, it is what has happened”

I have stretched myself out on an arch.

“You were correct”

“I thought I had to pick it up”