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María Pilar Díez Calderón.

Trees, so wonderful. Today is Saturday, lunch time and there is plenty of library users in. It is sunny and warm, one takes time to getting dress as summer time, yet. Tension, tension. Strain. Meditation, 45′, and breathing 17′. Listening to mantras. In library, exercising my sight, my eyes, from time to time looking at the far away distance through the glass walls. I see trees and the walls decorations.

Cleaning day, vacumm-cleaner job, room and shower-room.

A cake, at this time, after having lunch. Lemons, oven, a large bowl, a whisker, a tin, caster sugar, butter, vegetable oil, vegetable milk, yogurt, no-egg, vanilla, gluten-free flour, almond flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, raspberries. A delicious, juicy raspberry cake with a cup of chicory, vegan milk, and xylitol. Mouth-watering.

I am getting organize about a new job of taking photos, there is a lot of work involved to be able to submit photos of transportation in landscape orientation.

Protective bubble that sends pink hearts back when irregular energy being around.

Walking carrying cables, Mac, everything on my back, it is tiring. No, no, it is different. There are 4 seats in a table, mine just one, only one. And she said “That is false”, I disagree with that woman.

I am leaving for today.

María Pilar Díez Calderón. 500€.

Raining. Rain, drops of rain slippering down my window glass. Evening time to rest for a while before sleeping. At times, one wants to see someone, speak someone, tell someone, understand each other. Darkness, quietness. Tinnitus.

24:00, 00:01, 4:04am, 5:19am.

Unwanted mumbling.

Morning time, walking under the rain, raining softly, zebra crossings. Adventure. 8:30am. 

A room light was switched off, a driver walking and taking his luggage away, towards car and location.

Drawings, paintings and photos by María Pilar Díez Calderón.

June 23, 2022.

A new device in town traffic lights. I suppose that it is for invidents. One arrives, and hears a horrible noise, looking at the screen is black and there is a metal, big button underneath, pressing it, the screen displays a holding hand parent with its child. I forgot if the image is to waiting or to cross over. The vehicles have stopped and I have crossed. Just to not hear it, one presses that button.

A walk from my house to library. Extremely bright clean motorbikes,

“People has its little heart”.

“The experience” To me a learning experience.

By Maria Pilar