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Have you tasted steamed artichokes? I love eating their hearts. My memories when I was a little girl, with my aunty. But it has been recently that I have started to cook it for myself, steamed, of course. Then I cut the stem and peeled it, the small outer leaves and the peaks, out to a bin. Firstly I ate leaves, treaming them with my teeth, one by one. And after 1 or 2 steamed artichokes more, I started to eat its heart first, so beautiful, sweet and excellent for liver although I ate its leaves with olive oil. I eat one at a time, because it is so satisfying. Artichoke, I love artichokes, also I love that story of children’s book about an artichoke lady who used to bath in a pond. Yes, I have started to eat artichokes because of that story, it is so identifying.

Also today I have eaten yesterday’s chickpeas leftovers, cabbage, carrots and of course firstly of all, salad, with greens (corn salad, rocket and watercress) today, a big day today because I could shop greens for my salad. Gluten, I have eaten gluten and dairy products. Sure you are aware that I am an organic, vegan, gluten-free lady. Yes.

Walking to and fro, walking from room to library, from library to room, walking with all the weight of my notebook, cables, all because my passion is writing, because today my passion is writing and making connections in www.

It is lunch time, so lovely walking outdoors with warm weather, and working in library. A job, reading job descriptions, reading, connecting, RRHH people, while listening podcasts. Brushing my teeth, brushing my teeth, wanting to restablish my dental cavities, you know, dental cavities, caries are the result, the consequences of my emotional states, angry, mood, frames of mind. Caring about my mood, meditation, breathing, breathing, relaxation, relaxation, stretching exercises. Cold water, at times freezing, in my mouth, learning to tolerate my mouth rinses with freezing water.

I heard that they can hear my thoughts.

My digestive system, my blood circulation, bones and connections, brain, intestines, intestines, brain. Connection of esophagus and stomach. 

Land, land, Earth, Earth round and round, round and round, and I with it.

Photos by Maria Pilar Diez Calderon