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June 23, 2022.

A new device in town traffic lights. I suppose that it is for invidents. One arrives, and hears a horrible noise, looking at the screen is black and there is a metal, big button underneath, pressing it, the screen displays a holding hand parent with its child. I forgot if the image is to waiting or to cross over. The vehicles have stopped and I have crossed. Just to not hear it, one presses that button.

A walk from my house to library. Extremely bright clean motorbikes,

“People has its little heart”.

“The experience” To me a learning experience.

By Maria Pilar

Another world. Worlds. Different worlds, parallel worlds. Worlds. Milieus.

Today the preparation, cooking of my food has been quiet, having enough time to think of, to enjoy, to feel pleasure during all the process until the end of my breakfast-lunch. Delicious meal. As always first act is drinking water, water, water. A small, ripe, juicy, soft, sweet kiwi. A pear. While washing and cutting into pieces my vegetables, at the same time deciding what to cook and eat. Red cabbage, celery, carrots, radishes, buckwheat and buckwheat noodles. Today my carrot sauce has incluided boiled buckwheat in vegetable stock water and cayenne pepper with olive oil. Truly, warmly delicious.

I am in one of the libraries of this town. While listening to meditation, yoga experts.

It is windy, the trees free their flowers petals and the glass of the patio reflects it, similar as snowing falling down on the floor.

Art by Maria Pilar